Thursday, October 9, 2008

New Orleans.

You here a loud beeping sound as you lay cozy in your warm bed. As you become more awake and more aware, you realize that it is 4am and the noise you hear is your alarm clock. You tumble out of bed to get ready for the airplane flight that leaves at 6:30am. Trying not to forget anything, you rush around to make sure that the most important items are packed. You have feelings of excitement, anticipation, pure joy; yet, you feel nervous, anxious, and a little scared.

It is now 4:45am and your devoted husband (spouse) drives you to the airport with your sweet little child sitting in the carseat in the back. You've never been away from BOTH of them before and maybe a little bit of guilt trickles into your head. As well as the glance you take at your beautiful child calmly sitting behind you makes you miss them already. BUT, you know that this trip is going to change your life, and your career!

5:30am. Hugs and Kisses. Goodbyes. I Love You's. The scene of a moment before an adventure begins. And for the first time in a couple of years: the airplane ride is relaxing; a needed nap is taken; and the pages of a mystery book continually turn.

4:15pm. Arrived. New Orleans, Louisiana. A shuttle picks you up. It is filled with LOUD music and eager passengers awaiting their destination. Driving down the highway you take in everything passing: the old buildings, the people, the smells. You've never been anywhere like it. The shuttle continues on route to your hotel as it moves through an old town with its' own kind of charm- the charm you feel from watching an old movie. Your destination has arrived and you wonder if where you are is really your hotel. It is . . . The Omni Royal in the French Quarter of New Orleans. A place that will soon become a memory that will never be forgotten . . .

Image X '08 - New Orleans was an AMAZING photography conferance that I arrived home from late last night. It was an experience that touched my life, my soul, and my passion for photography. I had three educational days where I was flooded with information; and at the end of the day - I still wanted MORE! You know when you have all of these ideas running through your head and you can't make them stop? That was me. Everynight I was extremely tired but I just couldn't stop thinking because I couldn't wait to implement and achieve everything that I was being taught.

I am excited to share with you my experience I had as I was in New Orleans with some of the most TALENTED PHOTOGRAPHERS in the WORLD- and a couple of the who truly inspired me.

The pictures below is the view I had from my hotel room.


Nathan and Mackenzi said...

Aly- Im so excited for you and cant wait to hear all about it!!! Call when you can I know youre a busy woman!

Van Duren Family said...

WOW! You have such incredible create beauty out of something someone else would see as normal. You are amazing! We need to get together and play soon!