Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Where have I been?

I feel like I have gotten off of the blogging bandwagon, so to speak, and I want to explain why because I am so EXCITED for everything that is coming!

First and foremost, you may have noticed on the side of my blog that it says "WEBSITE COMING SOON"! Yes, it is TRUE and I am so thrilled! I have been busy working on it and can't wait to show you. At this moment in my life I am accomplishing a dream of mine and you are all helping me fulfill it! So, THANK YOU!!!

Secondly, Christmas and the holidays somehow ALWAYS sneaks up on us, so I wanted to let you know that I will be offering CUSTOM CHRISTMAS/HOLIDAY CARDS. I will soon be showing examples and giving more information on my blog for you to check out. I LOVE them and I am sure you will also. The only trick to this is that you MUST be one of my clients and you MUST use pictures that I have taken for you!

Thirdly, ALL session fees are 20% off during SEPTEMBER and OCTOBER! A perfect time to get those pictures for a soon-to-come holiday season! I would love to hear from you, your friends, your family, so give me a ring or send me a note and we can set something up.

Fourth, Alyson Kay Photography will be experiencing some exciting future events which I am ECSTATIC about! I am attending a photography seminar in New Orleans, Louisiana, where I will be in the presence of some of the most talented photographers in the nation and I CAN'T WAIT to tell you about it. I also have an amazing opportunity to shoot a beautiful bride at one of the most beautiful locations in the United States (my true opinion)- at the top of Heavenly in Lake Tahoe, California. I am jumping out of my seat and can not wait!

I feel so lucky and blessed to be sharing with you something that I truly love. I hope that if any of you have a dream, I hope you always strive to work on it no matter what anyone says and no matter how long it takes. I keep working on mine everyday- sometimes it may seem frustrating, but it is so WORTH IT!

Well, naptime is over . . . now back to my truest blessing - my daughter! Have a great day and I can't wait to hear from you!


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